
Second-life battery storage

We are developing our own know-how in the field of battery storage with the direct support of the European Union in the framework of the IPCEI EuBatIn project.

What is IPCEI EuBatIn?
Important Project of Common European Interest () in the battery segment (EuBatIn – European Battery Innovation).

Giving used batteries from electric cars a second life

Our Second-life battery storage systems project is one of 42 unique European projects that will bring the EU closer to achieving clean mobility while helping it its energy storage ambitions.

  • Developing renewable energy for all
    We focus on the development and production of battery storage systems from used batteries, contributing to environmental protection, reducing the consumption of raw materials and thus the carbon footprint.
  • We build know-how
    We contribute to Slovakia’s transition to a knowledge-based economy and bring Industry 4.0 technologies.
  • New impulses for cooperation
    We strive to initiate links between the R&D capacities of universities and business. The project will create more than 50 professional jobs.

We want to offer solutions that will eliminate environmental impacts and help Europe on its way to a circular economy.